Our family is a spectacle in Asia. Everywhere we go we get stared at. Four kids and our pale skin makes us an exhibit. When I say "stared at", I really mean it. It couldn't get by unnoticed so we (us kids) decided to create a code name for the stare. We came up with chicken. But it didn't stop there. Soon our vocabulary expanded as we were in need of new specific and stronger words. This what we came up with:

Chickenlicken- this is the "no-shame-eyes-wide-open" look. 

Roast chicken- when we are surrounded by curious eyes.

Chickcam- the sneaky (or not so sneaky)  snap of the family or those willing to pose.

Chickadee- this when they hop in the photo too. This one came about when we were peacefully chewing our sandwiches and a lady walked in behind us, posed for a picture her companion clicked the camera (without asking of course), and then they were off!

Burnt chicken- the ultimate chicken. When you can feel millions of eyes burning on your back.

The photo below shows how useful our new "chicken language" is.
6/28/2013 11:24:32 pm

wow you must have had a great time wish i could walk the wall of china


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