A cheerful greeting calls to us. "Yassous" comes the reply in equally bright  tones. The people of Greece are such friendly people and we have made a number of friends already. Considering we had not known a word of Greek at the start, our Greek has richly improved. We can now confidently say "efchiristo" (thank you) "calamara and calanicta" (good morning and good night), "yassous" (hello) and a few others. 

Our family often goes for walks in the morning or evening. On yesterday's walk we met a rather peculiar sight. A lady was taking her three goats for a walk. One was on a leash and the other two seemed to follow it. The goatherd said calamara and continued on her way. 
On one of our other walks, a kind old Greek farmer ws feeding his chickens and beckoned us over to help him. he took Timmy Lachie and I to a little patch of land where his garden was. Tomatoes, grapes, herbs, lemons, beans and strawberries were grown in his garden. Not only that but he also had 1 goat, about 10 chickens and 6 rabbits. He showed us around his garden and we created a feeding frenzy in the chicken pen.

The locals on the island of Skopeleos grow their own produce. They have lots of food, from lemons to chicken. Even our own house that we rented has a grape vine and a pomegranate tree. Our neighbour, Jim, has almond and fig trees and said we were welcome to pick fruit from them. Jim is a bit of a character. Early one morning he comes trotting down the road on his mountain horse and gives us a big toothless smile and said, "This is my car!". 

Amongst the locals there are a lot of fishermen. Very early each morning they fish and bring back their catch. In Glossa (the town we are staying in) there is a man and his van who comes around at 9 o'clock each morning and shouts in his mega phone "Fresh fish, fresh fish caught today" or something similar in Greek. We bought some of his fish and prawns and cooked up a Greek meal with pita, tzatziki and greek salad. 

The island of Skopeleos was where Mamma Mia was filmed. We got to see the beautiful beaches where they filmed the beach scenes. We also climbed up to the church in the movie. The view was definitely worth the tedious journey up the steps. The island has crystal clear water and gorgeous views. I can tell why Mamma Mia was filmed there.

In Panorama Bay we hired a boat. We zoomed around the island, naming beaches, towns and little islands off the coast with our own original names. Sea urchin beach, Sandcastle cliff, Hayman Island and our boat, Poseidon. We found our own little beach that was only accessible by boat and stayed there for a a couple of hours. 

Greece was paradise and here are some photos to prove it:
Fresh fish from the Adriatic Sea
Sunset swim
Boat trip

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