A blog about Italy is not complete without a mention of food. Italy is world-renowned for its delicious food. Gelato, pizza, pasta, steaks, antipasto and more bring people together in "Eataly". 

Italy is home to gelato and I was really looking forward to licking my first Italian gelato. So as we arrived in Italy the search began for the perfecto gelato. 

We visited Venice, Florence, Tuscany, Pisa, the Amalfi Coast and Rome. Florence is supposed to have the best gelato in Italy. On the first day of Florence, after a many hours if touring the city, frying under the Italian summer sun, we needed a gelato. We found a gelato shop in a side street. The first lick melted in our mouths. This gelato shot up to the top of the list. Another day in Florence proved that Florence has the best gelato. This one didn't have as many flavours but it is "quality not quantity". It topped the other by a smidgen. Our next great gelato stop was at the island if Capri. Mum read in a guide book that this place made its own waffle cones. We followed our noses. The fresh homemade waffle cones were delicious! Topped with tasty gelato, this shop became equal first. In Rome, friends of ours recommended some places. The first was homemade and fresh.  They had fresh fruit on display and all the flavours were of the season.  The next gelato shop worth mentioning was on our last day. William and I spotted a gelato sign so we went and checked it out. It said "organic homemade gelato" so we beckoned the rest of our family over. Mmm...it was heavenly. It tied first (again). We ended up with about 4 tied firsts 😄.  
Positano is lemon crazy!!
Although Italy has delicious "dolci" (desserts), Italians are even better at savoury. 

A shop in Venice had homemade soft pasta with an excellent sauce. That was our first and best pasta in Italy. The man in the shop was very kind and gave Mum a bag of spiced salt to do some cooking of her own. Around the word (and at home) we often collect freebies, such as a few hours ago we got some free short bread cookies from the bakery :). 

The award for the best pizza goes to a Pizzeria on the Amalfi coast. Fresh ingredients and yum dough made it great. In Italy all the best foods are fresh or "fresco". We learnt a lot of food words along the way too. That same shop made a brilliant Capri salad. This consists of tomato, buffalo mozzarella and basil. It is a mouthwatering combination of flavours. In Lucca, William and Mum declared their steak the best they'd ever had.  

I like the style of Italian dinners. First there is appetisers which come with the meal (eg. bread) and then you have entree to share with your family (eg. salad or light snacks). For a main dish they have smaller than the ones in Australia because the entree is supposed to be be a alternative. And then if you are still hungry or like my brothers and I and have a "dessert stomach" there is always dessert. 

Italy is a great foodie destination so of course I had a great time exploring the flavours of Italy. 
Pizza in Pisa
Fresh Italian Tomatoes- Yum
Best Pasta
Picking Gelato

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