Finding the States – our search for all 50 of the USA state car number plates

It started off with just a friendly game… But soon our search to find the number plates soon expanded into a fully-fledged quest to find all 50. We are determined to complete it.

You should see the excitement on all of our faces as soon as someone shouts out “LOOK! THERE’S A NEW ONE!” On the first day (in New York) we found 15 different number plates. From New York to New Mexico, from Washington to North Dakota, we made it our mission to find them. In New York we got to 31 plates, in Washington DC we found 15 more. Then on highways and in Vancouver we spotted the rest except for Hawaii and South Dakota. As I write this we are on a flight to Hawaii so we will definitely get that one, so we have 49. 49! We got so far only to find that we were missing 1! It was disappointing since we had tried so hard. Unless magically someone from South Dakota has transported their car to Hawaii I think our hopes of finding South Dakota are finished .

We got 49 states out of 50. Has anyone else made it their mission? If so, please comment how many you got!

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