We live in Australia where the sun shines all year round, so going to the snow is a exciting, special treat. In Switzerland, it is not uncommon to see splashes of snow here and there on the peaks of the Swiss Alps. Going up Mount Titlis to see the snow in summer is one of the many things Switzerland offers. Which is why we decided to go on a fun adventure up the Swiss Alps to see the swiss summer snow. 
For us, snow in summer is a bit of a joke. I didn't even know that there was such thing as summer snow. So as you can imagine, we were really looking forward to going. Lachie and Timmy had never seen snow before so they were beyond excited. 

Travel is all part of the experience. We caught heaps of cable cars to reach our destination. The odd patches of snow grew in number as we got higher and higher. 
After what seemed an age we finally made it up Mount Titlis. There was snow everywhere! We wandered around happily taking in the sight. Its's not every day you get to see snow. The view was spectacular! We gazed at the glaciers and seriously steep mountains that surrounded us. The sun shone down on the pearl white snow. Snow engulfed the valley and everything around us. It was a beautiful clear day.
Our attention was soon drawn to the signs for a snow park. Being kids, the idea of toboggans, tubes and snow appealed to us greatly, so we dragged Mum and Dad to the cable car that led to the snow park. I raced to the line for tubing only to find that the line was very long. We waited for at least a hour. I have to say though I felt a bit ripped off when half an hour later, there was no-one in the queue. To think we waited so long for tubing. Nevertheless we had a great time. Our family spent the majority of the morning having fun in the snow park.
By the time we went back to the food court for lunch we were drenched from head to toe. But we had had our fun and as you will probably know, going to the snow is fun until you get sopping wet and cold. After lunch we made a final stop at the glacial cave. Someone had drilled a hole through the glacier so although we were freezing, we ventured inside. The little tunnel was ice blue (and ice cold). The atmosphere in the cave was a bit eerie.The cave contained beautiful ice sculptures carved into the walls. It was a great finish to our expedition to the Swiss summer snow.
The is the ice cave
7/23/2013 03:51:46 am

wow looks like you had an awesome time the snow cave looks like a lot of fun


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